Wednesday, April 11, 2007


Not much happening here now.  It's testing time so the whole school has stopped for the next three weeks.  This week only grade 12 is testing but in order to keep it quiet for them the learners just stay in their home rooms.

The Tech Squad has been working hard to finish the projects we started this term.  Currently they are refurbishing older computers donated by the Ministry of Education for use in libraries and community centers in the Windhoek area.  This Saturday we will be busy installing them at centers.

Mervin hide behind a mountain of computer parts which will be used to build between 20 to 30 working computers. Leena and Paulus put together a computer from the myriad of parts available.Hilya tests a computer that has been assembled by the team.

Anyway, wanted to post something even though not much is happening.

Monday, April 02, 2007

Weekend Fun

It was a busy weekend.  Friday the Photo Lab crew (15 tenth graders) went out to Baumgartsbrum, a small primary school 50k outside Windhoek.  At the school they took pictures and printed them for N$0.50 each, quite a deal!

Some Photo Lab learners posing with learners from the primary school  They had a good time playing games and talking with learners at the primary schoolAfter the event, we explored an old German "ghost" house that has been long abandoned.

Then Saturday, the Tech Squad had a field trip to Avis, a reservoir outside of town.  There, we hiked around the lake while playing games and doing activities.  Afterwards we ate lunch at the Parliamentary gardens.  Quite a day!

The Tech Squad posing on the Avis Dam Here they are trying to undo the human knotPosing on the ruins of an old German fort.
We found a cliff and, of course, climbed it. Here they are trying to lower the "magic stick" to the ground, a little more difficult than you might thinkTheir last task, they had to rearrange themselves by birthday while staying up on the ruined wall of an old water container.
We ended up in the Parliamentary gardens to enjoy our lunch.  Here's a classic shot we took once we were finished.