Friday, September 08, 2006


The rain in Windhoek falls mainly in the north.  At least that's what Henry Higgins would have rhymed had he lived here rather than London.  I don't think it would have helped poor Eliza with her A's though.

Well, it happened.  The first rain of the season was yesterday and last night, although I wouldn't call it rain so much as drizzle.  The teachers here say that rain usually doesn't come in September, which means that the world is now coming to an end.

Sarcasm aside, I'm happy to see any weather at this point, and the fresh rain is a welcomed change.  As I type this the clouds swim overhead, some dark with moisture, promising more wetness soon.  I have to say that I'm actually looking forward to the summer.  Despite the scorching hot days, the rain makes up for it all.

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