Monday, November 07, 2005

Day 1: So it Begins...

After what felt like a short flight (due to entertainment from the movie “Must Love Dogs”) through Denver, I arrived in the Phili airport. Once everyone started getting up to get off the plane, two people sitting one row each in front of me realized they were both in the PeaceCorps, after which I joined in the conversation and my first “contact” was made.

The three of us got our bags and crammed into a small cab to head to the hotel. After a 15 minute cab ride with luggage in every available space between us, we learned that we three represented the three types of volunteers that make up our Namibia group. Adam, with a degree in English literature will be teaching, Amber with a degree in Physical Ed will be working on health issues, and I represented the minority of three IT guys.

The hotel was wonderful, tall as a downtown hotel ought to be. Seconds after checking in (and learning that we all had roommates) we were met by a group of five PC’s on a hotel recruiting mission. All eight of us went out to dinner after what ended up being a half-hour meandering downtown, half-lost, half-sight seeing, looking for the restaurant.

We ate at Cosmopolitans, an international cuisine restaurant. We had (among other things I don’t remember the names to) crab mac-and-cheese, sushi, and several noodle dishes that were as tasty as their prices indicated ($107 for the seven of us that ate).

After a quick photo op on the strange frog chairs in the corner of the restaurant, we headed back to the hotel, stopping to grab some ice cream and play in the brief rainstorm.

Later, we met in one of the volunteer’s room for about an hour, adding two more to our group and swapping application and medical clearance stories. A 9 AM meeting time was agreed on to find the liberty bell, then we all headed to unpack and unwind.

I met my roommate, Mark, an education volunteer with a degree in Physics. We chatted until 1:30 am, then hit the hay. What a first day!

Everyone I’ve met so far has been awesome and has had a different life story. About the only thing we have in common is this huge unknown that sits in front of us. I can’t wait to get going!

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