Friday, March 17, 2006

The Invigilator

Call me the Invigilator.  Tests are a big deal here.  The entire school changes into test mode to accommodate the thousands of tests to be written.  Schedules change and teachers are asked to proctor (Invigilate) exams for other classes.

I've just received my schedule on this, the first day of exams.  I'm not at all suprised at being given a schedule of exams to proctor the day they start.  The new me laughs at the old me who would have certainly blown a gasket at the idea of changing the entire week's plans to accommodate a previously unknown responsibility.  But the new me almost enjoys these weekly changes; it keeps me on my feet.

So this is the schedule for the next two and a half weeks of school: I invigilate six of the more than 60 tests being given, which will give me plenty of time to sit around and play on the internet.  And I thought vacation started in April!

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